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Obesity-Transformation-Therapy | Paralysis & Pain Treatment Center | Physioline

Physioline’s Obesity Transformation Therapy primarily focuses on tranfomation of the body from obese to normal utilizing the most latest patterns of treatments and therapeutic exercises. This therapy increases the metabolism of the body and restructures the lifestyle of the individual .This treatment program uplifts the mindset of the individual towards achieving a perfect body type without any side effects.The program works for all individuals however busy may be their schedule. The program works on the mind and body of the individual using various latest methodologies of the fitness regimes from all across the globe.

This program is a medically formulated program for individuals who are looking towards realistic and permanent results.

Obesity refers to an increase in total body fat. The easiest and most widely accepted method of determining whether you are obese is by measuring your Body Mass Index, or BMI.

A normal BMI = 18.5-24.9; overweight = 25.0-29.9; obese = 30 or greater; and morbidly obese = 40 or greater.

In addition to body image issues, obesity causes significant health issues. It is the second leading cause of preventable death (after smoking), and is associated with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, arthritis, gallstones, and certain types of cancer.

Two principal risk factors that lead to obesity:

  • poor nutrition and
  • lack of physical activity.

Other Known Causes and Risk Factors of Obesity:

Genetic, metabolic, and environmental influences in the development of obesity. Certain illnesses, such as Cushing’s syndrome or hypothyroidism, and medications, such as glucocorticoids, can also cause obesity.

Related Illnesses:

Obesity increases the risk of many serious health problems. Obesity is associated with more than 30 medical conditions. Scientific evidence has established a strong relationship with at least 15 of those conditions, some of which include:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Gallstones
  • Heart Ailments
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Lipid Problems
  • Liver Problems
  • Menstrual Disturbances
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sleep Disorders

Diagnosis of Obesity :

A physical examination, including a measurement of weight and height, body composition analysis is usually sufficient to diagnose obesity. A complete medical history, including age of onset, family history, eating and exercise behavior, smoking, alcohol use, and previous weight loss experience are all important.

In addition, blood tests, including fasting levels of glucose, and triglycerides, to determine whether any obesity-related conditions are useful.


Although several diets (such as Atkins or South Beach) have become quite popular as effective ways of losing weight, none of them has been proven to be vastly superior in rigorously conducted, large-scale clinical trials. The key (and only) reason for the success of any dietary plan is that it make you consume fewer calories than what you are expending.


It is very important to discuss all medications you are taking with your physician.

Current guidelines recommend drug treatment for individuals, especially those with other obesity-related health conditions, who have failed to respond adequately to dietary and behavioral modifications. A limited number of medications are available for the treatment of obesity. Concerns about side effects have diminished enthusiasm for appetite-suppressant drugs, particularly fenfluramine, which carry serious risks and have been withdrawn from the market. Individuals who have taken either should be evaluated by a physician.

Focus on Health, Not Weight

The entire family should be engaged and focused on being healthy. It’s not about losing weight as much as it’s about eating right and being active in order to be healthy. When everyone in the family gets involved, it shows that eating healthy foods is not a diet for losing weight, but rather it’s a diet for being strong, fit and healthy — and it’s good for the entire family. Also, it’s not about short-term changes or quick solutions. When the family is on board and committed to making lifelong behavior changes, it highlights the positive while moving toward something good — toward a happier, healthier family.

Childhood Obesity:

Obesity in children is on the rise. The percentage of overweight children age 6 to 11 more than doubled from 7 percent in 1980 to more than 15 percent today, while the percentage of overweight adolescents age 12 to 19 tripled in the same period, from 5 percent to 15 percent. The problem is particularly prevalent among middle to high income groups.

Obesity increases a child’s risk for a number of diseases and conditions and they’re more likely to become overweight adults. Moreover, unhealthy diet and physical activity patterns are known for the three leading causes of death in adults — cancer, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

DIET & EXERCISE is the key to combating the childhood obesity epidemic.

Healthy Diet Tips

Fruits and Veggies:

Children and adults should eat between five and nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Not only are most fruits and vegetables low in fat and calories, but they also are full of essential vitamins and minerals, fibre and other substances that promote good health. In addition, studies have found that diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of certain cancers and other diseases.

Each day, you and your children should eat:

  • Two to four servings of fruit
  • Three to five servings of vegetables


Grains such as bread, cereal and pasta account for most of the carbohydrates many people eat. Some people refer to these foods as “carbs.” These starches can be made from whole grain flours or from refined flours. Whole grain flours contain the fiber, vitamins and minerals that are lost when flour is refined. Therefore, whole grains are a better choice. The basic guideline for this group of foods is to decrease starches made from refined flour and increase those made from whole grains.

You and your children should eat at least three servings of whole grains per day. Some examples of serving sizes include:

  • ½ cup cooked brown rice, whole wheat pasta or steel-cut oatmeal
  • 1 slice of 100 percent whole grain bread
  • ¾ cup whole grain cereal

Nonfat and Low-fat Dairy:

Dairy products contain calcium, an important mineral for growing bones in children and keeping bones strong through one’s lifetime. The Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Americans suggest that people choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products such as non-fat or 1 percent milk, non-fat or low-fat cheese and yogurt. Look at food labels on yogurt containers to check for added sugar.

Your child’s calcium needs vary based on age:

  • Younger children need two to three servings of calcium-rich foods a day.
  • For children between the ages of 9 and 18 years, the goal is three to four servings of calcium-rich foods a day.
  • Most adults need three servings a day to meet their calcium needs.

NOTE: Fat intake should not be limited for children under the age of 2. Whole milk is appropriate until 2 years of age. Once a child turns 2, they should switch to non-fat milk.

Lean Protein:

As with dairy, there are different types of protein — some sources are higher in fat that others. The dietary guidelines suggest people choose lean choices such as skinless chicken and turkey, lean cuts of meat, fish, beans and tofu.

Each day, you and your children should eat two to three servings of protein. Serving sizes generally are 3 ounces of cooked meat, about the size of a deck of cards. However, serving sizes are smaller for younger children.

Things to Avoid:

High-sugar and high-fat foods can lead to weight gain and health problems. Therefore, it’s best to limit foods and beverages high in sugar and fat, such as fast food, sweets, juice, chips, soda and other forms of junk food.

Portion Control:

In addition to eating the right foods and watching total caloric intake, it also is important to pay attention to portions and serving sizes. Large servings at restaurants have helped distort healthy portions sizes. Look at nutrition labels to find serving sizes for packaged foods. Remember that the calories and fat listed are for one serving only.

The recommended servings are outlined below. Divide your plate into 4 equal parts at each meal and fill it as follows:

  • 2 parts (1/2 plate) fruit, vegetables and/or a salad
  • 1 part (1/4 plate) lean protein
  • 1 part (1/4 plate) whole grain

Unhealthy Habits:

In addition to eating the right foods, children also need to learn good eating habits. Unfortunately, many children today learn unhealthy eating practices from their parents and friends. The best way to prevent children from picking up these unhealthy habits is to set a good example and avoid:

  • Skipping breakfast
  • Eating a late dinner or snacking before going to sleep
  • Eating in front of the television
  • Eating when they are not hungry because of boredom or stress
  • Ordering super large portions at fast food restaurants

Get Active:

Parents need to get involved and step up the amount of physical activity their children get during the day. Here are some tips to fit in more physical activity for the whole family:

  • Do It Together– Children are more likely to be active if their parents join them.
  • Make It Fun– It’s easier to stick with an activity that you enjoy. Some children enjoy team sports, others like swimming, riding a bike, hiking and so on.
  • Be Creative– Depending on where you live, it can be hard to go outdoors all the time. In that case, you need to be more creative. Do jumping jacks together, jump rope in the garage and see who can jump the longest. Make it a contest or game.
  • Set Goals and Track Progress– If your family hasn’t been active for a while, start out slowly and work your way up to 30 minutes of physical activity, five days a week. Make a chart that the kids can use to keep track of your efforts.
  • Discourage Sedentary Time– Today’s children are spending too much time involved in sedentary activities, such as watching television, playing video games and using the computer. While all of these activities are fine in moderation, they must be balanced with physical activity. Specifically, children under 2 years of age should not watch any television. Children over 2 should only watch one to two hours a day. Studies have shown that limiting television is an important part of helping children lose weight and be more active. Also crucial is not eating in front of the television.


  • Weight reduction
  • Proper nutrition
  • Education
  • Introduction to healthy lifestyle
  • Maintenance of health


  • Evaluation
  • Exercise Regimen
  • Fat-loss treatment
  • Lifestyle modification counseling


With the awareness about health and obesity spreading all over the nation, multitudes of fitness hubs, beauty centres and gyms have cropped up which guarantee weight-loss, but very few of these can deliver long term positive results.

Obesity treatment at PHYSIOLINE has been successful with a number of satisfied clientele because:

  • Medically formulated treatment.
  • Expert and experienced medical supervision.
  • FDA Approved treatment equipment.
  • Well-researched exercise techniques of international standards.
  • No crash diets or deep heating methods.
  • Nutrition Advice.
  • Positive Lifestyle Changes.